Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Rehersal dinner
Brianna and Ricky's rehersal dinner was tonight. I took Noah and Micah, but had to leave Levi with my parents since Nick is still out town in Blythe for work until tommorow. They had a pool and Noah and Micah both got to go in, which was great considering it was 103 degrees today! And the air barely works on teh is completely miserable to drive in let me tell ya! Anyway, there was no way I could chase both babies around the pool, it just wouldn't be safe, so that's why Levi stayed home. My parents think Levi tolerates me leaving better, and that's why he satyed with them and not Micah. I think they both have their moments of being mroe clingy personally. Anyway, Micah got his diaper soaked in the pool and then peed in his shorts so he was running around the rehersal naked with just shoes on for a little bit. His little booty was so darn cute. The house where they are getting married has an awesome backyard, and I think it is going to go off really well. Only two more days. Noah is actually really excited and he wants to walk down the aisle now too! I am glad because he is going to be in Mike and Jessica's wedding in April, and I think he might actually do it! He is so darn cute, adn gets so excited about weddings...He got to go to Gale and Lee's too, so now he knows what they are all about. We didn't bring floaties to the rehersal, because I didn't know they were going to be swimming, and I really wished I had brought them. Noah LOVES going in big pools, and he told me tonight, "We should get a big pool at out house." I love his innocence and honesty, and I will protect it for as long as I can. It is gone too soon these days in kids, and I want to protect it in mine as long as I can. Today was a long day, but I wouldn't trade being a stay-at-home-mom for ANYTHING, and I know I will look back at these days and miss them when they are over!
Here are some pictures of Noah from yesterday. He painted a little, and then painted himself. Duh, right!? He has been making a lot of messes lately, so I thought I would give him more outlet for his creativity and maybe he won't mess as much. Either way he likes it and it is good for him. Oh, my sweet boy! He also made a little kitchen concotion with ingredients I let him use. Look yummy, huh?! He had a lot of un doing it...until he put some of it into the toaster, and then his fun was done! :/

Oh yes, Levi got avacado ALL over his face yesterday night at dinner, and had quite a fun time doing it. He is such a little character.
Here are some pictures of Noah from yesterday. He painted a little, and then painted himself. Duh, right!? He has been making a lot of messes lately, so I thought I would give him more outlet for his creativity and maybe he won't mess as much. Either way he likes it and it is good for him. Oh, my sweet boy! He also made a little kitchen concotion with ingredients I let him use. Look yummy, huh?! He had a lot of un doing it...until he put some of it into the toaster, and then his fun was done! :/
Oh yes, Levi got avacado ALL over his face yesterday night at dinner, and had quite a fun time doing it. He is such a little character.
Monday, August 16, 2010
August and everything after...
My mom's birthday was yesterday, and we also celebrated Chris's birthday so we hung out at my mom's and at Nick's parents the whole afternoon and evening. It was a nice family day. It has finally been hotter these last few days...not that I want it to be! We have had a mild summer so far thankfully! It has been such a blessing for it to not be so hot while I am pregnant and taking kids places in a van with crappy air-conditioning! Anyway, today we stayed home and I cleaned the house, and it was mostly too hot to even go outside, even with the kiddie pool! The babies are definately taking off with their language development. Levi seems to say a few more words than Micah, but they are pretty neck and neck. In just this past week they have both said "outside" and "poop". Haha. Micah actually said it right when I went into his room to get him from his nap, and sure enough he had gone! It is so neat to see them start to communicate with words and not just crying, whining, etc. My little babies are getting big right before my eyes!
In other news, Noah has been continuing to wake up every single night and come into out room saying he is scared/needs to potty/water, etc. I need to do something about it since it has been about 7 weeks now that he has been doing it. It isn't good for his sleep or mine to be fragmented every night! I think it is making us both cranky during the day. I have been reading like crazy this summer, including "Healthy Sleep Habits" so I have it fresh in my mind how important unbroken sleep it. I know I have enough of that coming my way in 3 months, so I'd like to at least be rested up before that starts! :) Anyway, I have also been reading every midwife/homebirth book I can get my hands on. I offically hired our midwife, Coley Douglass at the end of July, so I am doing a homebirth officially! I am very excited, and am going to be starting "hypnobabies" childbirth education next month. Such an experience it has been becoming educated about this the last 2 months. I am currently still fighting the insurance company to pay the $3,800 it will cost, though they will gladly pay over 10K at the hospital. So stupid. Anyway, I am currently appealing their decision not to pay, so I will just have to keep at it till they give in!
Noah is getting so big and is a pro at riding his big boy bike with training wheels. It is so darn cute, and he really is very good at it, making all these quick little circles, and using the backpedal brake and everything. It is so fun watching him grow. He is really a sweet boy most of the time, and will just randomly say, "I love you Mommy" all the time. He is also really excited about the new baby, and remembers in prayer to pray for the "one on the way" he says! :) He also will say, "Mommy, your belly is getting bigger, bigger." The other day he asked me if I wanted to watch a cartoon, or go outside, or just sit down and be pregnant! Hehe too funny, out of the mouths of children! I love my kiddos.
Nick and I are always fighting now about WOW, and we don't really do anything together. I am trying to figure out some marriage counseling for us, though he acts like he will be unwilling to go. I am feeling at my wits end, and am pretty unhappy as far as marriage goes right now. I am totally commited, and I love him, I am just not happy in my marriage right now, and I would like to be. I know he is not happy either, and I would really liek to get some encouragment and try to fix things. I know it will only get harder when this baby is born, so fixing it now would be better than later.
In other news, Noah has been continuing to wake up every single night and come into out room saying he is scared/needs to potty/water, etc. I need to do something about it since it has been about 7 weeks now that he has been doing it. It isn't good for his sleep or mine to be fragmented every night! I think it is making us both cranky during the day. I have been reading like crazy this summer, including "Healthy Sleep Habits" so I have it fresh in my mind how important unbroken sleep it. I know I have enough of that coming my way in 3 months, so I'd like to at least be rested up before that starts! :) Anyway, I have also been reading every midwife/homebirth book I can get my hands on. I offically hired our midwife, Coley Douglass at the end of July, so I am doing a homebirth officially! I am very excited, and am going to be starting "hypnobabies" childbirth education next month. Such an experience it has been becoming educated about this the last 2 months. I am currently still fighting the insurance company to pay the $3,800 it will cost, though they will gladly pay over 10K at the hospital. So stupid. Anyway, I am currently appealing their decision not to pay, so I will just have to keep at it till they give in!
Noah is getting so big and is a pro at riding his big boy bike with training wheels. It is so darn cute, and he really is very good at it, making all these quick little circles, and using the backpedal brake and everything. It is so fun watching him grow. He is really a sweet boy most of the time, and will just randomly say, "I love you Mommy" all the time. He is also really excited about the new baby, and remembers in prayer to pray for the "one on the way" he says! :) He also will say, "Mommy, your belly is getting bigger, bigger." The other day he asked me if I wanted to watch a cartoon, or go outside, or just sit down and be pregnant! Hehe too funny, out of the mouths of children! I love my kiddos.
Nick and I are always fighting now about WOW, and we don't really do anything together. I am trying to figure out some marriage counseling for us, though he acts like he will be unwilling to go. I am feeling at my wits end, and am pretty unhappy as far as marriage goes right now. I am totally commited, and I love him, I am just not happy in my marriage right now, and I would like to be. I know he is not happy either, and I would really liek to get some encouragment and try to fix things. I know it will only get harder when this baby is born, so fixing it now would be better than later.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
You would think nothing happened in July...
But we had tons of fun! So much so that I didn't get around to posting very many sad! But here is a bunch of pictures to prove we were alive and kicking, and loving summer in the month of July! It has been an unusally cool summer so far, so we have def :)
The best place to drink milk on a summer night!
Look ma! I can turn on the light!

Noah graciously shared his chocolate ice cream with Micah, and nobody even asked him too!
Even the baby in my belly made it into this picture :)
Levi's boots were made for walking...
Just wanna pinch that cutie bootie!
Even the baby in my belly made it into this picture :)
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