It has been rainy for the past three days..which doesn't completely stop the boys from playing outside. They all 3 love it even when they are getting soaked! Noah was at my mom's today for half the day hanging out with her, but I let the babies outside after dinner because they had been cooped up inside all day, and the had a blast! They are so cute running around together, falling down and laughing in the grass, and kicking and throwing balls around. Hard to imagine they couldn't even walk just 5 months ago! Time goes so fast, and babies grow so darn fast! Anyway, Nick was home from work today, he wasn't feeling too great, and all three boys have gotten colds also. I don't have one yet...keeping my fingers crossed!
I just finished folding and putting away some teeny, tiny neutral colored baby clothes. That kind of laundry didn't even feel like work! I enjoyed myself while doing it! :) Only 3 weeks till my "due date" I am trying to be prepared early...but allowing for the possibility of going over too! Don't want to set myself up for dissapointment. I am trying to relish the last little bit of being pregnant, and the last little bit of the babies being the babies, ya know. I hate for them to seem grown up overnight, which I realize they will probably seem to have once this baby is born. I just hate that period right after a baby (or two!) is born where everything feel so upside down and things feel like they won't ever seem "normal" again! I am hoping maybe I won't feel like that this time...I know it is hormones and maybe it will just be different this time!
We had our hypnobabies class last night, and I need to go practice it now. I know it will work if I practice and stick to it, so I have to practice while I have time left to do it! Night!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pumpkin Patch
We went to the Cal Poly Pumpkin Festival today. It was raining at our house and I was almost not sure if we should go, but I am so glad we did! It didn't rain there until right as we got back to the car, so it was perfect! The kids loved running through all the pumpkins, and I got some really cute pictures of them all. It was also Amanda's 22nd bday celebration tonight, so we went to my parents and the whole family was there. The kids had fun playing with James and Lincoln. James is so cute with his little fangs! hehe. Anyway, this past week Micah learned how to open the round knob on our bedroom door! No! And both babies learned to climb up the slide into the playhouse, so I gave in and just put the stair back on so they can go up that way. All three of them kept going around and around, up the stairs and back down the slide. They love that they can get up there! Now hopefully no one falls out and breaks something...knock on wood!
The baby is really getting cramped in my belly, and squirming around. Am feeling lots of pressure and having to go to the potty soo often. Am curious how long I will stay pregnant...still have 3 weeks and 5 days to go till the "due" date, which is really just a guess. Am hoping it's not much longer than that! Can't believe we are adding another sweet baby to our family. Can't wait to find out if it's a bot or a girl! Enjoying being prgnant though still...just love feeling a baby move in my belly! The greatest thing about being pregnant! Can't wait to meet you little one. I have an apt. with the midwife this thursday...I'll be 37 weeks on Friday! The I will have made it to full term. I am so blessed to have no complications so far, and am blessed to have always avoided prematurity, and any NICU stays, even with the twins! Thank you Jesus for my healthy children.
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