Sunday, January 30, 2011

2 more months

Only 2 more months till the boys birthdays!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Caleb is...

So sweet
So chubby.
15 pounds worth of chubby to be exact,
On this, the 10 week anniversary of his birth!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What's Cookin, Good Lookin?

This is part of the little kitchen the kids got for Christmas this year. I don't think Levi has quite got the idea of how you are supposed to use it! He got stuck in the hole for the sink, which has a bowl that is supposed to be removable. Needless to say, the bowl has now been hot-glued into place! Is it terrible we took a picture before helping him out!?

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Took the twins to my parents house to work in the yard with them today. They love helping out doing yardwork. It is adorable. They were helping prune the apple tree today. Then, in a major breakthrough, they took a nap at grammy's house! They used to literally scream when I tried to lay them down there, and if they did fall asleep finally, it would be for a really short time. Today they slept for almost 3 hours! Woohoo, am I excited that I can give them naps over there now, and not always have to be leaving to go home in time for naps. Maybe the twins can even spend the night with grammy and papa sometime now! They have never ever done that! Anyway, I may have to get a crib tent and pack and play tent though, because Levi was trying to get out of the crib I guess. My mom just gave him a little swat and told him not to get out, and then he stopped I guess.

Anyhow, while they were over there I went to Target with Nat, Noah, and Caleb, and then Jess met us there. Caleb slept like a little angel in my mei tai while we were shopping. I was beyond excited because they are remodeling Target and adding a fresh grocery section, and they got new carts that will fit 3 kids! Now I will be able to go to Target by myself, and this makes me WAY too happy! Seriously, it is sad how excited I am about this! I even made Jessica take a picture of it!

Oh yeah, we went to Chick-fil-a before Target for lunch, which is pretty much my favorite fast food restaurant. Yum...chick-fil-a sauce!

Wanted to mention something Noah said the other day, and I meant to write it on facebook and I forgot. I had told Noah I would get him something or other once Caleb was done eating lunch, as in nursing. Noah looks at my with a grin and says, "Don't you mean drinking his lunch!" Hehe...what a smart little boy! :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

warm winter days

The last few days have been in the 70's and 80's! I love Southern California! It is so nice to let the boys outside without having the bundle them up at all! They even played in the sprinklers two days ago!

Caleb took fabulous naps today. Two of them lasted more than 2 hours long, and he wasn't even being held! I am almost afraid he won't sleep very good tonight! Fingers crossed he still does!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January is the new December

So, our Christmas lights are still up. Not only that, but I just inplugged them from the timer that automatically turned them on every night, so thye just stopped coming on 3 days ago! We were the only ones on the block, or anywher around really, that I still saw with lights that were actually turning on every night! That's pretty bad! Definately gonna bug Nick to take them down soon, so we don't become one of "those" people! haha!
I never got a chance to post anything about Christmas since it was such a crazy day having a newborn, along with the other kiddos. I didn't even take very many pictures, and we didn't even get a family picture! We had Christmas morning first at our own house, then we went to my parents house, followed by Nick's parents house in the afternoon, which is usually what we do every year. We always read the story of Jesus' birth on Christmas morning before we open presents. Here Micah and Levi are listening to Daddy read!

Here is Caleb on his very first Christmas! I added the bow because he was feeling very festive. Caleb wasn't very big into opening gifts this year. ha! He really prefered to spend his first Christmas sleeping in my sling and nursing, which was fine by me!

The boys big present from mommy and daddy was a play kitchen. I decided to spend a little more on a nice wood set, rather then some cheap painted or plastic one that would fall apart quickly. I was really happy with it, and so are they! :) Of course they got some play food to go with it, and aprons and a shopping cart from auntie Manda.

Can't believe that just last year was Micah and Levi's first Christmas, and now this year was Caleb's! How things change in only one short year!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Caleb is 2 months old!

Our sweet Caleb is 2 months old today! He weighs in at a whopping 14 pounds 10 ounces, and is 25 inches long. He is the first baby we have had that is really cubby, and man do I love all his little rolls! He has the sweetest, chubbiest cheeks ever! See!

Caleb loves bathtime and has since his first one. He didn't get a bath until he was about 10 days old because I didn't want to wash away his amazing baby smell! Now he gets one every other day, and he would probably stay in the water in his bath seat for an hour if I let him! He wiggles his little arms and legs around in delight! He sometimes takes a bath with Noah in the tub also, but not the twins because they splash too much and get too excited with him in there, and they don't quite realize yet to be careful around him. Here Micah and Levi are being very gentle and sweet with Caleb, but two toddlers, a newborn and water don't mix well!

At 2 months old, Caleb is getting really vocal. He makes all sort of cooing sounds, which of course I find adorable! It is amazing that in only 2 short months he has gone from being able to only cry (ok, and scream) to making all of these sweet noises to express his happiness! All that talking I have been doing to him is finally paying off now that he contributes to the conversation! I love that no matter how many babies I have, watching a new little person grow and change and learn NEVER gets old! He is also about the smiliest baby I have ever seen! I remember it being harder to make our other boys smile at this age, but Caleb is EASY to make smile! All you have to do is give him a big grin and he returns the toothless favor almost everytime! I love it!

When it comes to sleep, Caleb sleeps pretty well, I think! I have adjusted my idea of what "well" is this time around! Having done Babywise with the other boys, this time around I felt I wanted to be more laid back and just enjoy the newborn phase instead of trying to control it! During the day Caleb usually takes naps that last about an hour at a time. He is usually nursed to sleep, or falls asleep in the sling, or while being rocked. Sometimes even by his Daddy!

He never falls asleep in a swing, as he doesn't really like it. When it comes to nightime sleep he sleeps for a good stretch from about 7pm to 1 am, and has been doing that since about 5 weeks, except for when he had RSV. During that time he was waking up 6-8 times a night, but who could blame him? Poor baby! He is all better now, thank goodness! Anyway, I really should sleep during that stretch every night, but I usually end up going to bed around 10:30, so I miss out on half the sleeping time! Oh, well! After that he usually goes about 3 hours between feedings, but sometimes less. Hopefully in the next month he will start waking up only once a night! I really don't mind feeding him at all at night, as I usually just put him in bed with me and then fall asleep while makes for much less disruptive sleep that way!

Caleb had his first stroll around the block just last week in a stroller. He had been around the block a few times before, but he was in my sling. This time he rode like a big boy in the stroller next to his big brother Micah. He didn't cry at all, and seemed to enjoy himself!

Here is sweet big brother Noah, who loves holding Caleb, talking to him, showing him how to play with his toys, and teaching him how to be a boy! Noah is an awesome big brother, and I love him to pieces!

So, there you have it! Not only have we survived our second month of 4 boys under 4, but we are loving it! The laundry isn't done, the house is a mess, and I can usually be found in my pajamas at noon, but I know I am gonna miss this someday, so I am not missing a minute of it now!