Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Caleb is...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
What's Cookin, Good Lookin?
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Anyhow, while they were over there I went to Target with Nat, Noah, and Caleb, and then Jess met us there. Caleb slept like a little angel in my mei tai while we were shopping. I was beyond excited because they are remodeling Target and adding a fresh grocery section, and they got new carts that will fit 3 kids! Now I will be able to go to Target by myself, and this makes me WAY too happy! Seriously, it is sad how excited I am about this! I even made Jessica take a picture of it!
Oh yeah, we went to Chick-fil-a before Target for lunch, which is pretty much my favorite fast food restaurant. Yum...chick-fil-a sauce!
Wanted to mention something Noah said the other day, and I meant to write it on facebook and I forgot. I had told Noah I would get him something or other once Caleb was done eating lunch, as in nursing. Noah looks at my with a grin and says, "Don't you mean drinking his lunch!" Hehe...what a smart little boy! :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
warm winter days
Caleb took fabulous naps today. Two of them lasted more than 2 hours long, and he wasn't even being held! I am almost afraid he won't sleep very good tonight! Fingers crossed he still does!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
January is the new December
Here is Caleb on his very first Christmas! I added the bow because he was feeling very festive. Caleb wasn't very big into opening gifts this year. ha! He really prefered to spend his first Christmas sleeping in my sling and nursing, which was fine by me!
The boys big present from mommy and daddy was a play kitchen. I decided to spend a little more on a nice wood set, rather then some cheap painted or plastic one that would fall apart quickly. I was really happy with it, and so are they! :) Of course they got some play food to go with it, and aprons and a shopping cart from a
Can't believe that just last year was Micah and Levi's first Christmas, and now this year was Caleb's! How things change in only one short year!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Caleb is 2 months old!
When it comes to sleep, Caleb sleeps pretty well, I think! I have adjusted my idea of what "well" is this time around! Having done Babywise with the other boys, this time around I felt I wanted to be more laid back and just enjoy the newborn phase instead of trying to control it! During the day Caleb usually takes naps that last about an hour at a time. He is usually nursed to sleep, or falls asleep in the sling, or while being rocked. Sometimes even by his Daddy!
Here is sweet big brother Noah, who loves holding Caleb, talking to him, showing him how to play with his toys, and teaching him how to be a boy! Noah is an awesome big brother, and I love him to pieces!
So, there you have it! Not only have we survived our second month of 4 boys under 4, but we are loving it! The laundry isn't done, the house is a mess, and I can usually be found in my pajamas at noon, but I know I am gonna miss this someday, so I am not missing a minute of it now!