Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Happy Birthday Boys!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Last day of three and one!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
He found his feet today!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Breaking news...
I realized today that I almost have actual footage of Micah fracturing his foot. Actually the 5th metatarsal on his right foot, if you want to get technical. I stopped filming about 60 seconds before he got hurt so I could go inside and finish making dinner. Mothers don't encourage their small children in activities that may break bones, right? But there I am in the background encouraging them, recording them even! In my defense, you can hear me tell them to go go go go go jump be careful! Ah well, I'm not sweating it too much! As much as I want to, I can't protect my children from everything in life, and their picnic table jumping antics seemed harmless enough. Boys will be boys, right?!

Thursday, March 17, 2011
St. Patrick's Day
Then tonight I made corned beef and cabbage for dinner, and Mom and Dad and Nat came over to share it with us. Gale came over as well, but she left before we ate it! Yum! Last year I made it for the first time, and I remember not liking it. This year I realize I didn't like it last year because I was about 5 and a half weeks pregnant with Caleb and my morning sickness was just about to start, so I think that had a whole lot to do with why I didn't like it! This year I thought it was pretty tasty!
I took these pictures of Caleb today, and I love them. His eyes are beautiful and his skin is so soft and perfect. Ah, my baby!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
It was nice and warm today, and the kids played outside a lot. Then later on in the afternoon Noah wanted me to make popcorn and we watched a cartoon. We just put the corn into a brown bag and microwave it, add a little olive oil and salt, and yum! He loves hearing it pop! When the twins woke from their nap, we made more so they could have some and they loved it too! Then they promptly removed their diapers and ran through the backyard half-naked while eating their popcorn. They are nuts! :)
Micah hurt his poor little foot yesterday, and he is still saying it hurts today and favoring the other foot a little bit, so we are taking him to the Dr. tomorrow to make sure he didn't break anything. He was jumping off of the picnic table onto the giant cheese when he hurt it. Poor baby.
The twins are talking so much, and adding so many words to their vocab by the day. Levi talks a little but more than Micah right now. He will repeat any word you say pretty much, and Micah will just look at you and blush when you ask him to repeat words sometimes. Levi can say "Micah" and "Noah" really good now. It is soo cute how he says it. They both also started saying "es" which is yes. I love the way toddlers learning to speak say things!
Noah still says things that are so cute as well. I love how he says "f" for "th" "I am free" (three), and he says "grill" instead of girl, and tonight he told me we needed to clean out the garage because it was a "zaster" (distaster)! I love it, and I don't want to forget the sweet, innocent way that they all speak! :)
Caleb has been using his hands like crazy the last few days! He can't stop grabbing things, and putting things in his mouth. His hands and fingers, toys, or even my chin. It doesn't matter what it is, he just wants to bite it! He is starting to bite the occasional "button" now too! Ouch!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Love was in the air at the LA Zoo...
Anyhow, the weather was perfect, there was no crowd whatsoever, and the kids had so much fun! I didn't get one picture of them all looking at the camera since they were way too busy checking everything out to turn around and look at their mama! They were even able to find some time to squeeze one of their favorite activities in...climbing! And for once it wasn't climbing on our furniture! Bonus!
Caleb was such a good boy on his very first trip to the zoo! He slept peacfully in my sling for naps, and then rode in the stroller for a little bit while he was awake. Here he is enjoying the kangaroo, which you can see in the background. This is proof that he was really there, and we can actually leave the house with all 4 children in tow!
Ricky, Brianna, and Cheyanne met up with us yesterday, and Noah and Cheyanne had way too much fun playing with the zoo map. I think they were pretending to be our little tour guides! They were too cute!
Before bed I asked Noah to name which animals he liked the most and he said 1) the elephants, because they are so big and strong 2) Giraffes, cause their necks are really long and 3) the Condor, which he wanted get on and fly. I have to say my favorite part was seeing the elephants as well! They are so beautiful and smart too! One of them was bobbing it's head in time to some music the zoo was playing! It was so cute!
Overall, based on this picture, I think Micah may have had the most fun!
The twins missed their regularly scheduled naps at 1, so by the time we got in the car at 4, it took about 5 minutes for them both to pass out!
Noah stayed awake the whole way home though, apparently while needing to use the bathroom! What a trooper!