Friday 12/18-We went to Mom's work today since it was her last day of school and she didn't have any classes to teach. She likes when we come so she can show off all her adorable grandkids, so I try and come when we can, and today worked out good. Nick got home early because it was his safety meeting today. Jess hung out with us today. I caught this cute little moment with Micah and Levi today....they always seem so big to me when they sit in Noah's little car. My babies are getting bigger everyday. Levi stood holding onto the car a moment after this picture, but I stood him up. Micah stood there for a second too, but I couldn't leave him really, and Levi I left for a minute or two and he never fell!

Saturday 12/19- Today we took out family Christmas picture, which turned out amazing! I ordered the picture cards from Costco. We also took the kid

s to Montclair Plaza to see Santa and get their picture made with him. Noah was afraid and didn't want to sit by him, Levi was fine with him, and Micah fell asleep right before it was our turn, so he is alseep in the picture! It was a Santa picture to remember! Jess went with us, and it was a good thing because she really helped with the kids. I took Noah on the escalator twice and the elevator twice, which he thouroughly enjoyed!
Sunday 12/20-We went to Water of Life church today for the first time. We liked the Pastor. We had to leave half-way through the service because Levi got so tired in the nursery and was crying really hard, so they paged us out of the service. Nick and Noah went to the mattress store and bought a new twin bunky board and mattress for Noah's new bed. I finished paiting it on Saturday night, so it

was all ready to go back into his room! Yeah! He slept in it tonight, and really seems to like it. He hasn't figured out how to get in and out fo it yet, so it is helping him stay in bed and not get out to play with toys, so that is a big plus, and he has more room and seems more comfy. Also, I like that I can get into bed with him to read him stories. It's like what I picture now, of getting snuggly in bed next to my child and reading bedtime stories. I love it! I went to Target and Khols with Mom and Nat tonight around 10:30 until midnight...I can't believe stores are open so late around Christmas, but they are. I finished all my Christmas shopping tonight...Yeah! I love shopping for Christmas, and am almost sad to be done! Now the anticipation is just killing me! I am soooo excited to give all our gifts, and am especially excited for Noah because he understands completely about Christmas this year, from baby Jesus, to Santa and presents, and he is excited! He sings "Santa Clause is comin to town" and is oh so cute! It will also be Micah and Levi's first Christmas, and first time opening a present of any kind, and I am so excited to share that moment with them! So many blessing and joy this Christmas, and I am so thankful for my life. Thank you Jesus. Oh yes, Natalie spent the night tonight, and I finished making Micah and Levi's stocking...I glued the name letters on, so now they are all done and look great. I hope they will love them as they get older, and know that I put love into making them for them...Noah's too, which I made last Christmas, along with Nick and mine as well.
Monday 12/21- Natalie hung out with us most of the day today, and Amanda came and hung out for a good chunk of the day as well. It was a sister day. It was Nat's first day of Christmas break, and Amanda is done with school unitl next semester as well. Then later in the afternoon, Mom, Dad and Nat took Noah to the Montclair Plaza, and to see the Christmas statues on Euclid....Noah called me on Mom's phone during their outing and was just chatting away to me. I was truely amazed by him as this little person with his own thought and ideas, and he was very cute to talk to on the phone. His voice is still so sweet and cute! :) Aaron and Ashley went to the hospital at 12:01am this morning to be induced. They want baby James home in their arms, and couldn't wait until the due date, which is Christmas Eve. As of today at 8:30pm, she still isn't very far dilated, and it looks like he won't be born until at least 12/22. We shall see. I am so excited to meet him, whenever he does make his grand debut! :) I will be an official Aunt once he is born! I bought stuff at the store to make Christmas goodies today, and am planning to make them tommorow. Levi was being so cute today bouncing up and down on his knees while holding onto his crib rail today, and he was also saying Dada a lot today. Micah was cracking me up throwing himself backwards while I was holding him because he wanted me to swing him back. We got it on film too. I love my babies so much.
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