My little boy is officially a pre-schooler! He was so darn excited to start pre-school today, and his excitement made it so much fun! The last few years he has been pretty resistant to me trying to teach him letters and such, so much so that I worried over how things would go when it was time to start homeschooling. Well, all those fears seem to have been for nothing as of now. He just wasn't ready to have too much structured learning yet, but now he is ready and he is very excited!
The first thing we did today was learn a bible memory verse, which we will practice everyday of the week. I am really excited aboout doing this with him. I count it as such a priviledge to be teaching him how to hide God's word in his heart! I am looking forward to memorizing the verses with him as well!

The rest of the school time was spent reading a few stories aloud, and talking about them, as well as a few activities for him to do out of a little workbook. One had him drawing lines, and the other had him picking out objects that were identical to each other. This one I explained to him using his brothers as examples of identical looking objects! He totally aced that activity!
The day was a success, and we are both excited to do it again tomorrow...and I think Caleb is excited too! I'm so happy they can all continue learning and growing together!
Theyvare growing up too fast!! So happy to hear it went well:). It feels like yesterday we were the ones playing togethe getting ready for school :). I love hearing your stories about your beautiful boys. Love you!