So ridiculous that I ahven't written on here in 2 weeks! I sit at this computer at least a few times a day adn I can't just write something! Sheesh! Both Micah and Levi are WALKERS! Lots and lots or steps, and lots of falls too! No tears though! I don't think either one of them has creid once about falling! They really fall ratehr gracefully, and they alwasy seem to catch themeselves to keep from really getting hurt! It is so preciosu to watch them learn to walk, and I am also watching their crawling as I know it will all but disapear so soon! They are so proud and happy when they walk, and I just love it! Levi is still a little steadier and walks a little more often, but Micah is right behind him! It really has just been in this last week that they both have really blossomed in the walking happened really over justa few short days, and suddenly they are just walking all the time! In other new, I have finally gotten Levi to drink milk from a bottle as of about a week ana a half ago. Micah still refuses mostly, but will take a few sips. I am still nursing them both ocne a day in the morning, but the milk is drying up quickly with that little of stimulation. I am a little sad about it, but it is time. I will miss having four little hands grab at each other, and grab at me, and be so sweet while nursing. I will miss seeing two little heads, and two pairs of eyes looking up at me while they are getting both nourishment and comfort! I will just miss the baby days always, and stopping nursing is definately a marker of the end of babyhood and the beginning of toddlerhood and growing up. It is so bittersweet. I know I will most likely never again nurse twins, and once they are all done I will definately never nurse Micah and Levi again, and that takes some getting used to. I love them with all my heart, and it has been and honor, a pleasure, and a major accomplishment to have been able to nurse them for 14 months! I am proud of myself, and glad for the sweet bonding I didn't have to miss out on just because they are twins. Some said I couldn't or wouldn't nurse twins for very long, but I did and I am so glad! :) Such a rewarding job!
On a Noah note...he is my sunshine! The way he talks and the things he says never cease to make me smile! He is smart, funny, and goofy! He is sensitive and wants his momma! Lately he wants to drink milk out of a bottle like babies do, and I have caved and let him finish what they don't, but I know it is starting a bad habit and it has to be nipped! He is just so funny and still prefers "squishy" cups as he says! I guess it is a throwback to nursing, which he also did for 14 months. Oh my boys! Anyway, Noah is very sweet and likes to thank God for specific things during prayers, like for getting to go to Chuck E. Cheese, and for Amanda's friend Lauren. I love when he adds in his own two-cents when I am praing with him. It is so amazing to see him understanding that we should be thankful to God and tell him about the things we love that he has created! Such a beautiful thing to see unfold in a little boy! Love it! :) Tonight before I went out of his rrom he was asking me fi I was going to stay at home while he goes to sleep, and that I have to protect him while he sleeps! How sweet is he!? Anyway, was going to buy Noah a school desk, but am going to hold off until next payday. I want him to have his own little space for doing "school" as I am hoping it will encourage him in that area. He isn't very into doing crafts or school really right now. I don't know if it is me needing to be more creative, or just his personality or what but it scares me about homeschooling. I am doing it all the way, but I just have so much to learn and feel so incompetent! It does seem overwhelming to be doing school with one kiddo while three other younger ones run crazy! Anyway, one day at a time! School desk to come! :)
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