Saturday, May 29, 2010
Memorial weekend kick-off!
Today was a fun, fun day! I started off the day by making pancakes for the kiddos for breakfast. After morning nap we ate lunch and then went to Toyota to pick up new parts to make the sliding door in the van work right it works amazingly!!! For $150 it is perfect again and worth every penny! It was soooo hard to shut, it would get stuck and have to be slammed 5 times to get it shut, and I am sooo thankful it is fixed! Anyway, afetr that we went up to Ashley's Aunt and Uncles house to go swimming and BBQ since it was about 90 degrees today! The babies went into a pool for the first time! They weren't too big of fans of the cold water, but when the spa got turned on they liked it. Levi wanted to just walk around on the steps all by himself, but of course he couldn't! Both Micah and Levi got into the baby float thingsy and they liked it OK. A lot better then Noah did at their age...he hated it and would just scream! Noah was getting brave and going in the water wth his frog suit. He really liked it. We left at 3 to take the babies home for their nap, but Noah stayed with my mom. She said he was getting even braver while we were gone, and was "swimming" back and forth to Nat and Ashley in the spa! Cute! I really want to get him swimming lessons this summer, so we will see if I can work that out! Anywa, the babies napped from 3:30-6...I guess they were tired from all the swimming and fun. Wehn they woke up I loaded them into the car, picked up Chinese food and went to play at Grammy's and get Noah. The babies love playing outside int he yard, and it is nice to have extra people around to play with them and help me wrangle them! :) They had a blast playing on the trampoline and eating berries! They were covered with berry stains! We took some cute pictures that I need to get off my mom's camera! Micah as the messiest of all three of them. He was grabbing handfuls and just shoving them into his mouth as if he were starving! hehe Levi was standing up on the trampoline and just running all over it with the hugest, cutest smile on his face, and giggling soo cute! He was purposly running away from whoever was trying to make sure he didn't fall off, and he almost suceeded in falling off while Dad was chasing him! then we starting haveing mroe than one person chase him around! He was being so very funny and I will always remember the way he was being! It was priceless! It was pretty much the perfect end to an (almost) summer day! So fun! Then they all got bathed and put into bed and they were all zonked in about 5 minutes! So fun and so memorable!
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