Yesterday the kiddos and I took an afternoon walk to the park, and then to Stater Bros. for some more water and snacks. It was a little too far and I was a little too tired after we got home. So not quite so far next time. Especially since I had to drag the stroller down and back up the stairs to get home! Not fun! Luckily my Mom and Nat came by and picked up all the kids right before I had to drag it up the stairs, so their were no kids in it on the way up! Thank goodness because I don't think I could have done it! Anyway, everybody really likes going on walks, I just wish we could go more easily, as in no hill! Well, I need to walk it anyway...I am already gaining too much weight! 10 pounds already, and I can really tell on my sides! Yuck! Anyway, need to exercise more and just get over the hill!
Today, we just stayed at home and I got cleaning and some laundry done! Not that you can tell very much it is such a never-ending task! Well, I feel like I am keeping the kitchen clean a little better at least, and I got the masterbath cleaned today. I also made the salmon chipotle tacos tonight for dinner that Nick likes so much. Speaking of Nick, I got him to cancel WOW as of June 1st, and we agreed for it to be canceled for at least a week and then we will see what happens. It's a start! He has been working on the cars a lot since then. We are trying to get the 4Runner fixed so we can sell it, and that is almost accomplished now! Yeah! The babies have just started wanting to use spoons AND get the food out of the bowl with them. Up until a few days ago I would scoop the applesauce or yogurt on the spoon, hand it to them and they would eat it and hand me back the spoon. Now they are no longer satisfied with that! They want a bowl to scoop on their own! So cute, but oh so messy! It's fun watching them learn how to feed themselves though! They watched each other and do what the other one does also. So cute! Noah actaully ate some salmon tonight when it was inside a quesadilla. A little progress! He also helped me sort laundry today ("put all of mommies clothes into the basket...or now all daddies!"), and washed dishes! He loves being my little helper! :)
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